Performance Support Blogs

3 Examples of Effective Performance Support Tools

Written By Manirangan

Introduction: What is a Performance Support Tool?

Performance support tools are becoming more and more popular due to their ability to measure, provide feedback, and create personalized learning experiences to help employees improve their performance.

A Performance Support Tool (PST) is a software or hardware solution that helps an individual perform better in his or her work. They are typically used in the workplace when the employee is struggling with performing tasks that require superior cognitive skills, such as balancing work with personal life. The tool provides feedback for the employee on how he/she can improve their performance over time.

The use of performance support tools has grown exponentially in recent years. From 1994-2014 the annual use of these tools increased from 0% to 5%. Many performance support tools are available for free online today.

What are the Key Advantages & Disadvantages of Performance Support Tools?

Performance support tools can help you measure your performance, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and provide feedback to improve your performance.

The advantages of using a tool for performance support include the ability to collect data over a long period of time so that you can see trends in your productivity. Tools also provide a safe space for people who struggle with their performance to manage their time effectively.

The disadvantages include losing touch with your work during the process of using a tool, not being able to break work into small pieces, and the inability to use tools in certain situations such as when you’re on deadline or when clients are waiting for work.

3 Effective Examples of Performance Support Tools that You Should Be Using Right Now

Performance Support Tools are a great way to keep the momentum going for your organization. They provide a structured approach to performance improvement and make it easy to track progress.

  1. The first use case of performance support tools is providing direction and feedback. These tools help establish an effective set of objectives, provide data on progress, and provide solutions to problems before they become big issues.
  2. A second use case is training, planning, and development support. Performance support tools help teams plan their work effort by providing a framework for setting objectives and tracking progress toward those objectives.
  3. The third use case is project management support that helps teams manage large scale projects that require coordination across multiple stakeholders or geographic boundaries with increased visibility into each activity or milestone that’s being completed within the project timeline.

Empowering employees with these kinds of programs is an effective way to increase productivity and improve workforce morale.

  1. The first example is a tool that could be used by employees and managers alike: coaching sessions with a human-like AI chatbot.
  2. The second is an automated email tool that can be used to send personalized emails for specific customer segments, such as those with high lifetime value or those who recently purchased something from you.
  3. The third example is an automated survey tool that helps improve employee engagement through personalization, automation, and insights collected from collected insights collected from the data collected via surveys, feedback forms, chats, social media posts, etc.

Conclusion: Improve Your Performance by using Performance Support Tools

What’s wrong with the way we work?

We get little to no feedback, and that leads to a cycle of procrastination and anxiety. It leads to self-doubt creeping in, which leads to formulating excuses for why we’re not doing our job well. That creates a downward spiral where our productivity declines. Before you start to use any performance support tools, you need to consider the following questions:

Do I have time?
Does my manager trust me?
What do I want to achieve by using this tool?
How will it benefit me in the long run?

The problem is that in most organizations, feedback is a scarce resource. People who give feedback are few and people who need it more often don’t get any attention from their managers or peer reviewers. All this means is that you have no chance of getting your performance improved when the system is set up this way.

The solution? Utilize performance support tools like behavioural trees, employee surveys, 360 reviews, coaching sessions etc., which will give you a road map to improve and be contemporary.

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